About me

Beginning my academic training in classical biology I transitioned through the fields of marine biology, behavioural biology and informatics. I have recently taken up a interdisciplinary doctoral position at the Humbold University in Berlin working with Pawel Romanczuk as part of the Science of Intelligence Excellence Cluster on the properties of collective information processing and learning. The questions being asked are experimentally tested in natural systems such as fish groups (Poecilia reticulata, Poecilia formosa​ and Amatitlania nigrofasciata) while these interact with their physical and social environment. Data acquisition is done using custom software written in the programming language Python and utilizing the OpenCV package and an implementation of Mask R-CNN for object detection in order to achieve high throughput video analysis.

Personally my interests revolve around aquatic systems, as I have always been drawn towards water and anything that may inhabit these intricate ecosystems. However, bridging across all natural systems are the complex interactions and mechanisms governing a single organism, groups of animals, or even our societies. I want to shed light on these underlying rules in order to add to a more holistic view on the world and what surrounds us. Learning from such complex systems we can potentially transfer this knowledge to various fields of research, ranging from artificial intelligence and optimization algorithms to socioeconomic implementations such as electoral outcomes and crowd control. My drive is further, to uncover possible manipulative and maladaptive implementations in our own behaviour in order to work towards a reflected and optimized way we interact with our own environment as a people.